Morphotype amSc("Scutellospora")

distribution in root cortex
mainly in outer cortex layers
auxiliary cells
sometimes present, shorter or longer segments of outer hyphae almost always seen
hyphae at entry point
very prominent coiling of hyphae near entry points
intraradical hyphae
often with prominent processes, 5.5 - 6.5 um diameter
usually only further from the entry point, sometimes very abundant
This case, where the same hyphal system can enter into a root (or more than one root) at several distinct entry points, is often seen.

Hyphal networks often occupy a large part of the root cortex volume

 Due to the staining process, the thicker longitudinal hyphae are sometimes broken into smaller pieces, probably at the cells' boundaries.

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This page last modified by Petr Šmilauer on 14 September 2000