Morphotype plG2 ("Glomus T4")

distribution in root cortex
both inner and outer cortex
auxiliary cells
hyphae at entry point
not much visible, simple hyphal arrangement
intraradical hyphae
3 - 4 um thick, some smooth or with not much prominent knobs; older hyphae sometimes septate
at maturity fill often the entire cell, numerous, in complete rows in cells
30 - 50 um diameter, oval or almost round, usually opaque, so that no vacuole is seen (or, rarely, single large central vacuole is apparent)

A typical look of mature colony:

The colonies are usually very dense, therefore often over-stained and the details are badly visible

Smooth outline of hyphae is clearly seen on the following image:




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This page last modified by Petr Šmilauer on 14 September 2000