Morphotype FE ("fine endophyte")

distribution in root cortex
mostly in the outer cell layers
auxiliary cells
absent, but sometimes "extra-radical vesicles" observed
hyphae at entry point
often create (for the first subtype) the characteristic, undulate, crest-like structures, vesicles often present here
intraradical hyphae
thin (1 - 2 um), often several hyphae run in parallel
seem to occur rarely for the first subtype; on the othe hand, the second subtype is characterized only by numerous, well developed rows of arbuscules
found only in first subtype, small (7 um), often near entry point

There are at least two distinct subtypes of this morphotype (defined based on the thin hyphae, with their diameter generally less than 2 um):

First, the classical fine endophyte has corral-like threads of hyphae with attached small vesicles and very few, scattered arbuscules:


The image above shows the typical "crest-like" hyphal structures.

Following image shows a system of extra-radical hyphae spreading from the entry point.

The second subtype, which I call sometimes the "fine Glomus" or "T8", has very prominent rows of arbuscules, connected by parallely running fine hyphae:



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This page last modified by Petr Šmilauer on 14 September 2000