Morphotype plSc ("Scutellospora")

distribution in root cortex
mainly in outer cortex layers
auxiliary cells
sometimes seen
hyphae at entry point
prominently coiled, somewhat thicker in this area (diameter 6 - 9 um); extraradical hyphae usually emanating from the root
intraradical hyphae
thick (4 - 8 um diameter), often with processes or pegs, never septate
scattered to numerous, with a single, relatively thick trunk

The images above and below represent a typical look of the starting Scutellospora colonies.


Following image represents a much developed Scutellospora colony (probably originating from several entry points), with the hyphal coils filling all the root segment volume, hidding details like arbuscules development or eventual AM symbionts present in the deeper cortex layers.


A typical look of the plSc morphotype arbuscules:

A branched extra-radical hypha emanating from a colony within Plantago root and bearing one auxiliary cell (the other were probably un-plugged during the sample processing)

Detail of the auxiliary cell from another sample:

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This page last modified by Petr Šmilauer on 14 September 2000